Psyche's Cosmos and Matter's Universe

They are so wonderfully unconscious these magnificent existential forces - psyche and matter - as they roam independently about the universe, blissfully oblivious to what they are, to each other, and to the contextual creations their infinite and relentless drives are turning out. 

Despite its primal autonomy and unequipped with a single property conducive to an awareness of its own basic instinct, there is nevertheless a universal force in the primal properties of the unconscious psyche – which is fundamentally, and paradoxically, void of energy and inside as well outside of time - that is programmed to penetrate matter. It is like light or air that will flow unhindered wherever there is open space - psyche’s existential movement is towards and into any universal particle it encounters. 

There are people who say that the world is ensouled, and while my experience tells me that neither soul nor spirit exist in the universe, I agree with what they mean: that every material aspect of existence contains a touch of psyche, which is innately programmed to permeate, sensualise and illuminate every molecule and reflect the existence of any atomic constellation in its essential objective entirety. 

I am mindful how strange this must sound to most humans who experience themselves predominantly through the organic aspects of their physiology and neurobiological consciousness, however you can experience how the psyche reflects the essence of every carrier of life at the existential level, which is effectively pre-organic and unconscious like the nature of the universe itself. 

While there are no innate properties for thought or emotion in the basic atoms, particles and molecules that make up the material basis of the human entity, there is an innate drive – a force that is most closely comparable to what humans know to be instinct. It is at this level of experience – the profoundly unorganic and unconsciously intuitive – where there is the greatest likeness, the densest affinity, and thus the greatest intimacy, between psyche and matter; and it is at this point where get a distinctive sense of individual existence and original essence. 

It is an incredible adventure to be conditioned by nature in a way that you can sense yourself and are psychologically animated as an organic and conscious as well as a pre-organic and unconscious entity by way of the psyche's instinctual, imaginal permeation of all layers of your material constitution. 

Most material entities are not very accommodating with regards to this type of in-sight, because they are not particularly permeable or sufficiently differentiated, psychologically speaking. Psyche enters, however the material is as dense as a black hole and psyche's imaginal reflections cannot make it through; the dark matter neither emits nor reflects them, and so nothing about the essential form or nature can be turned out. 

Humans are different, of course, when it comes to the compatibility of their neurosensory composition and the properties of the unconscious. The moment psyche enters the ever-evolving organic material of the human mind, it encounters a particular kind of dark matter with varying degrees of density, which can be permeated to great depths, albeit unevenly across humanity, by sufficient reflective light. The original drive of the primal psyche to fantasy – randomly, yet instinctively programmed to reveal to each creature through their senses what their essential material nature represents to it from the inside shining out - can consequently cut through. 

It is this phenomenon that results in dreams, intuitive visions and spontaneous fantasies, which represent the independent intra-psychic reflections of the fundamental material composition of shared and individual neurosensory molecules that are marking significant points and stages in the evolving connection of human DNA, neurological activity and the sophistication and diversification of the senses down to the nuclear quark basis. 

With regards to collective human neural activity, there is still a substantial amount of dark matter making up the brain where the mass of cells is too dense and too tight to allow psyche's cosmic drive to penetrate material and mind with its imaginal light. 

It is those individuals that psychological science calls highly sensitive who unwillingly lack those dense layers and filters in their neurosensory cells markedly, and thus more readily perceive the uncensored influx of instinctual unconscious imagery. While commonly struggling with dualistic intellectualisation, due to the absence of a tightly structured transitory connection between the left and right brained neuroreceptor organisation, those whose intra-psychic senses have removed the wall between the material mind and the unconscious's Cosmos are more akin to the properties comprised therein. Their rudimentary senses are equipped with such refined intuitive sensors that they can instantly perceive, draw out and arrange every pixel contained in any given piece of obscure mental mass. Since this feature is not a commonplace ability, but normally present in a marginal personality, the revelations of psyche's imaginal fiction originate normally through a profound sense of individuality.